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Charging pile control system complete solution

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In 2018, the charging pile industry is developing at the right time

2020-12-22 10:25:11Visit:2666
With the explosive growth of the number of new energy vehicles in recent two years, the construction scale of charging piles for supporting necessary facilities also expands accordingly. In the seven years from 2010 to 2017, the number of charging piles in China has increased from more than 1,000 to 210,000. In November 2015, the National Development and Reform Commission, bureau of energy, ministry of industry, ministry of jointly issued "the electric vehicle charging infrastructure development guide (2015-2020)", clearly put forward to the new 2020 centralized charge in power plant more than 12000, distributed in more than 4.8 million charging piles (500000 public charging pile, private charging pile, 4.3 million), in order to satisfy the demands of the country's 5 million electric car charging. Therefore, the charging pile industry is developing at the right time.

Future development trend of charging pile industry

The charging pile technology will be further strengthened from the following three aspects: vehicle pile charging interface interconnection, payment interconnection and information interconnection. The intellectualization of charging installation will be further enhanced; the security will be greatly improved; and V2G will gradually play an important role in the charging pile industry.

Private charging piles will gradually show their important position in the industry. The ratio between the number of private charging piles and public charging piles will reach 8.60 in 2020, far higher than the ratio of 1.14 in 2017.

In the future, wireless charging technology, battery replacement technology, charging heap technology and other various charging methods will emerge, and charging methods will tend to be diversified.